Recently I had the huge pleasure to document for Basecamp for Veterans again. It was time for Class 3 for this amazing non-profit organisation.

Equine therapy is amazing, it does incredible things. This time, the veterans got to work with a few Mustangs at Dream Horse AZ that were fresh out of holding. Still wearing their tags, never touched, completely wild still. It was magical to watch the veterans work with them. Seeing things click for both the horses and the humans, was amazing to witness.

I'm honoured to be part of this amazing initiative. A few of my favorite images from Class 3 where the veterans and their families worked with the wild Mustangs, worked with trained Mustangs, got to ride the horses at White Stallion Ranch, did Team Penning, Cattle Sorting and lessons. They ended the week by the veterans lowering the BCI flag at White Stallion Ranch, folding it and handing it back to the BCI team for the next class. A very beautiful moment to end a very special week!